Whack-a-Clown With ICE


Innovative Concepts in Entertainment will officially launch two new FEC classics at the Amusement Expo this year – Whack-a-Clown and Tons of Tickets, ICE’s first skill ticket crane.

Both games were first featured in November at IAAPA, but are now ready to ship. Whack-a-Clown adds to ICE’s popular carnival series, where players compete against others trying to hit as many clowns as possible while avoiding the red clown.

Tons of Tickets is a skill ticket crane being marketed as a 2-player game (though can be sold single-player). ICE calls it a “must have” for any FEC. “The game has been thoroughly tested throughout many different FEC concepts and universally it has been a top 10 game everywhere without fail,” said ICE president Joe Coppola.

Learn more at www.icegame.com.


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