Betson Specialty Moving HQ


Betson Specialty Coin, the distribution chain’s northwest branch, is preparing to move from its long-held building in Milwaukie, Oregon. The building, located south of Portland, will be replaced by a larger, state-of-the-art facility in northern Portland at the border near Washington state during the month of April.

In conjunction with the move, the company will consolidate its Kent, Wash., office into this new facility to serve the Oregon, Washington and Northwestern markets. They report that this will allow easy access to the freeways and allow quick trips to the Seattle and Portland markets for deliveries and service.

The company’s Washington office will remain fully staffed prior to the move, which they expect to be completed by the end of April, with Betson reps Steve Levy and Steve Manning staying Seattle area to continue their sales and service efforts.

For a list of key contacts and phone numbers at the branch, see below:

Equipment Sales
Mike McWilliam – Direct Phone: 503-850-9260  Cell: 503-314-4371
Steve Levy – Direct Phone: 253-533-9335  Cell: 253-653-5866
Steve Manning – Direct Phone: 253-533-9336  Cell: 253-245-0100
Mark Roth – Direct Phone: 503-850-9256  Cell: 503-707-1125

Parts Sales
Kory Pedersen – Direct Phone: 503-850-9254

Advance Replacements / Customer Service
Sydney Waters – Direct Phone: 503-850-9257

Bryan Corbett – Direct Phone: 503-850-9243  Cell: 503-754-0090

Billing Questions
Kristen Lafontaine – Direct Phone: 503-850-9251


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