Outdoor Fun Center Operations Given Green Light in L.A. County


Los Angeles County officials are poised to allow FECs to reopen outdoor attractions soon. They announced Wednesday (Oct. 21) that venues like arcades, bowling alleys, mini-golf courses and batting cages can resume operations if they are able to do so outside. (If you’re like us, you’re scratching your head over the idea of “resuming” outdoor bowling, etc.) Additional guidelines will be given any day now.

“I hope this provides much-needed relief and respite for residents who are looking for some activities outside of their homes,” said county supervisor Kathryn Barger. “These updates will also bring more employees back to work.”

According to KHTS, breweries in the county are no longer required to have customers order food or reserve a seat ahead of time. More details will be available at www.lacounty.gov.


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