Browsing: Reuseable Feature Photos for Columns and Such

While in Las Vegas for the Amusement Expo, Adam and Kate Pratt took some time for fun and went to the Jeff Civillico Comedy in Action show at the Paris hotel. “It was a blast,” Adam wrote, “ the hardest I’ve laughed in a while. Definitely check this one out if you’re in the area.”

“Esalen, in addition to being the birthplace of the human potential movement, was a center for using psychedelics as a means of self discovery.”

Bob Cooney (left) with the inventor of virtual reality technology, Tom Furness (center), discussing how to create a better future. (Photo courtesy of Jeris JC Miller.)

“Playa Dust gets everywhere,” Bob wrote of the dust from Black Rock City (where the Burning Man festival takes place). “You can’t avoid it. When you arrive at Burning Man, as a newbie they make you roll around in it so you quickly get over the fact it’s going to get everywhere.”

“My home for two weeks,” wrote Bob of his VW bus. (Pretty nice view, too.) He’s pared down his belongings to items needed for living in the bus and what fits in a backpack and small carry-on).

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