Safety, commercial success and expansion were the most discussed issues at the meeting. With the tremendous growth in the industry, IATP said it has become evident that they must implement membership criteria. Any park wishing to join the association will have to meet these guidelines to ensure safety and stability:
– Proof of (minimum) one to two million dollar insurance policy
– Legal waiver
– Signage/rules for each court
– Redundant net/bed, no-hold netting, foam pit, bag pit, 60″ padding entrance/exit to courts
– Operations/training manuals, maintenance logs, injury reports and an action plan for emergencies
– Facility must have a minimum of one trained court monitor for every 32 attendees
The IATP will also be launching regulatory efforts in several states and will work diligently to increase awareness and visibility to the public.
Finally, the group discussed plans for its fourth annual conference and trade show, which will be hosted in Nashville this year on Sept. 13-15. For more information concerning the show, the new membership criteria or anything else concerning trampoline parks, visit the IATP website at www.indoortrampolineparks.org.