Sagar Patel (left) and Paul Logli face off for charity on a JJP Hobbit pin.
Woodward Inc. recently hosted a charity event in its Rock Cut Campus Cafeteria. The company brought out one of Jersey Jack’s The Hobbit pinball machines and pit Sagar Patel, president of Woodward’s Aircraft Turbine Systems, against Paul Logli, president and CEO of United Way of Rock River Valley. The two leaders competed on the pin, and invited the rest of the crowd to play as well. At one dollar per play, and all proceeds going to United Way, the event was a success.
“Woodward is ’tilting the odds’ in the community’s favor by once again supporting the annual United Way Campaign with this wonderful pinball event,” said Logli. “We value our partnership with the men and women at Woodward who have found another way to make the workplace campaign fun and exciting.”
For more information, check the Facebook post here.