VRstudios Teases New Content for Sports Platform


If you’re an avid RePlay reader, you probably know that VRstudios released Hoops Madness for their new VRstudios Sports platform earlier this year. Soon, they’ll have new pricing options, game-changing patent filings and new features for players, they say.

“VRstudios Sports will establish new opportunities to engage with existing customers and attract new players, delivering new revenue opportunities for LBE operators,” the company said. On the industry in general, they added that it’s been encouraging to see recent announcements of location-based entertainment venues opening back up and the “new normal” beginning to take shape.

“Make no mistake, we still firmly believe in the LBE industry and know that we will recover. While there are numerous new challenges, the Covid-19 crisis can also breed opportunity and innovation.” Visit www.vrstudios.com for more information.


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