Browsing: Reuseable Feature Photos for Columns and Such

The new HTC Vive Pro headset delivers on higher resolution and a more comfortable fit, with built-in sound.

Frank Seninsky at Foundations University teaching why tickets are so important. Frank says he and his AEM team were the first to put ticket bundles into a candy crane and this started a new industry cycle.

Family fun at the show that’s all about family fun: Jack and his then 10-year-old daughter Jen at the IAAPA “Parks Show” back in 1997.

Open for business, a 10-year-old Adam Pratt has his stand ready for customers. Not sure what’s for sale except that it’s not lemonade.

A current day view of the inside of Adam Pratt’s Game Grid mall arcade in Salt Lake City. Below, the arcade’s games set up at the Salt Lake City Comic Con.

Adam Pratt detailed the work that goes into running an arcade from budgeting to talking with customers to cleaning and repairing games, illustrating his point with this picture.

Jack Guarnieri experienced a surreal moment when he saw a photo of himself on the wall of the pinball-themed hostel in Poland.

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