The Face 2 Face FEC gathering (F2FEC) has set its sights on the new theme for 2018: SOUL. F2FEC 2018 will be hoisted at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado, from February 20-22 and organizers the Three Amigos – Rick Iceberg, Ben Jones and George Smith – want to get to the heart of the central purpose that drives businesses: people.

The Three Amigos: Rick Iceberg, George Smith and Ben Jones.
“Each individual employee at our centers is a caretaker of every customer’s experience, and that customer interaction directly affects our reputation and profitability,” said Iceberg of C. J. Barrymore’s.
Continued Amigo Smith, president of Family Entertainment Group, “Maintaining a high-performance organization starts with people and involves creating an atmosphere of trust and empowerment and must include supporting the whole individual.”
“How we care for our people and provide for their future and well-being speaks to the core of our moral compass,” concluded Jones, FEC Domain Specialist with Live Oak Bank.
The F2FEC experience is meant to bring together the best of the best in the FEC industry, creating a culture of sharing, collaboration and, in the end, mutual success. This year’s F2FEC, which was held in February, was able to continue building upon the Amigos’ strong challenges and messages to the entertainment center industry. 2018’s SOUL experience is gearing up to provide those same benefits.
For more information, click here.