“There’s a glut of virtual events in the industry right now; six over a 7-week period,” remarked Bob Cooney, ShowUp’s co-founder and organizer. “We felt it was better for everyone –– our attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors, to move into the Q1 slot.”
They’ve also switched things up to a “pay what you want” pricing model for attendance in order to get more traction. On their website, they include suggestions of what to pay based on how your business is going (such as the “times are tough, but I want to contribute something” suggested rate of between $10 and $49).
New Social Event Planned
ShowUp also announced a new event, the Virtual Orlando Social Crawl, scheduled during the week the industry typically gathers in Orlando for the annual IAAPA convention. This will be free to attend. “Since IAAPA is focusing solely on education at their virtual event with 25 amazing sessions over three days,” Cooney said, “we wanted to offer a social experience to the industry. One of the highlights of IAAPA each year is we get to go to lots of receptions and parties that inevitably spill over into smaller, intimate gatherings. We are going to recreate that entire feeling virtually.”
The Social Crawl will start with industry receptions and private parties. It will then shift to smaller, user-generated groups where people can create their own “tables” to have the type of intimate conversation that creates real, long-lasting connections. Sponsors will be offering prizes and discounts that can be redeemed at the ShowUp Trade Show in February, but there will be no selling during this event. “The ShowUp Virtual Orlando Social Crawl is a highly social, fun event where people come together to meet, talk, laugh, drink, and have fun,” says Cooney.
Among the several industry receptions, networking and special events scheduled so far that ShowUp will host on Nov. 17 from 7:00 to 11:00 PM U.S. Eastern time are:
· Coin-Op and Arcade Social presented by AAMA
· International Association of Trampoline Parks Member Reception
· VR Bobble Virtual Reality Awards Show and Reception – Sponsored by Hologate
· Creative Works Customer Appreciation Party
· Esports Networking Group – Sponsored by VRstudios
· Private VIP Receptions
Anyone interested in hosting a social event for their customers, clients, or friends, can contact [email protected] to learn how they become part of the industry’s largest online gathering.
Learn more at www.showup.events.