ParadropVR Pod Has First U.S. Location


ParadropVR’s Pod attraction will open at Sprockets Fun Foundry near Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, according to the company. It will be their first in the United States.

ParadropVR combines motion-based hardware and game content to “create a world-class attraction with a proven ROI.”

“It’s a particularly exciting installation for us as it represents our first location in the U.S.,” said Matt Wells, CEO of Frontgrid, the creators of ParadropVR. “We think the product is very suited to the market, as it leads the way in terms of competitive socializing.

“In America, the entertainment industry is particularly strong, so consumers are really savvy and are looking for the next best thing to impress them. ParadropVR Pod really is an exhilarating experience which offers the cutting edge in terms of virtual reality and esports experiences.”

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