Jerry Johnston’s Wife Carol Passes On


We are sad to report that Carol Johnston, wife of operator and association leader Jerry Johnston of Amusement Unlimited in Eugene, Oregon, passed away on May 22. Suffering from memory issues first noticed about 10 years ago, Jerry said she declined greatly in the last five or six years and about three years ago, was moved into a memory care facility.

Sharing the news with friends on Facebook, Jerry wrote, “I’m heartbroken but I know she would have wished it would have come sooner. I would like to thank Quail Crest Memory Care and Hospice for all their help and love for Carol. She was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Carol and Jerry met at the University of Oregon and didn’t get reacquainted until some years later when he was going into a store called Bi-Mart just as she was coming out. “We started talking and the next thing you know, we’re going out to lunch and started dating. We’ve been married for 26 years, and together for 28.”

On the career side, Carol worked for several high-tech companies. (“She was a smart one, I tell you,” Jerry said. “After all, she had a degree from the University of Oregon!”) Her last job before retirement in 2008, was with one of Johnston’s customers, Abby’s Pizza, working on their newsletter, promotions and things like that. She’d also help out at Amusement Unlimited from time to time.

Carol was a constant companion to Jerry during his industry travels. “She enjoyed going with me on trips to the different state meetings, trade shows and AMOA mid-year board meetings, making many friends along the way. She loved the industry,” he said.

Carol also liked getting out on the golf course alongside her husband. “She was pretty good and got better and better,” he said. “We used to play in all the couple’s tournaments at our club, Shadow Hills, and that sort of thing. She also enjoyed camping and hanging out with our little dog Micki,” he said.

“I want to thank everyone who’s reached out to me through calls or messages on Facebook. This is a very difficult time and it’s helped me a lot,” Jerry said.

Carol is survived by Jerry, her daughter D’arcy and a grandson, Ty Folsom. A celebration of her life will be held Thursday, June 20, from 5-7 p.m. at the Shadow Hills Country Club in Eugene.


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