Help’s on the Way


Apart from wearing masks and performing the other coronavirus mandates, there’s not a lot people can do to soften the continued explosion of infections and deaths. Experts figure that the first half of 2021 will begin a time of healing as more and more drug developers like AstraZeneca join Pfizer and others producing an effective vaccine.

Right now, patience and courage will be required more than ever as location restrictions return and the lights at the bars and FECs go out. But perhaps the best immediate news came over the weekend when the FDA approved emergency use of Regeneron, the medication that seems to have worked for President Trump. This is a therapy, not a vaccine, that apparently has success as a curative. Fingers and toes are crossed.

From a financial standpoint, no good news has been coming from Washington D.C. Rescue programs like the PUA and PEUC are set to expire in late December. A new stimulus package, possibly including another PPP go-round, could come in the very near future, but as far as today goes, “zippo” remains the word on relief.


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