Climball Legends Game Arrives on ValoClimb


Valo Motion’s ValoClimb attraction recently got a new game. The company reported that Climball Legends, the sequel to their original climbing game, has arrived.

Climball Legends represents our dedication to creating immersive and active experiences that motivate people to move and have fun,” said CEO Raine Kajastila. “Building on the tremendous success of the original Climball, this sequel retains the addictive thrill while introducing dynamic new elements like freeform hitting mechanics and enhanced motion tracking. We can’t wait for ValoClimb owners and their guests to have fun while climbing and compete to become a legend.”

 The mixed-reality attractions maker says the game “takes the essence of the original pinball-meets-air hockey-meets-climbing experience and elevates it to legendary new heights.”

The game is available now. Check it out at


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