Hologate Shares Hygiene, Safety Standards for VR


A leader in location-based virtual reality, Hologate recently shared a 16-page outline of their hygiene and safety standards, which they say are “designed to bring a uniformed process” to the industry.

“Post coronavirus, we must accept the reality that we will be unable to operate as we have before,” the company wrote. “Virtual reality headsets and accessories have always been the target and topic of hygiene conversations, so it’s more important than ever to make sure that you have proper cleaning procedures in place to ensure that your customers are not only protected, but also have full trust in your facility and staff.”

While careful to note the standards may be updated as best practices and governmental and medical guidelines evolve, Hologate recommends a “check, clean and dry” method. That is, check the parts for visible debris; clean use a sanitizing wet wipe over any area that touches hands, face or body; and allow the component to dry for at least 30 seconds.

“If you want to add an extra layer of protection for your customers, we are convinced that medical-grade Ultraviolet C light sanitization is the ideal technology as an added line of defense against various viruses, bacteria and fungi,” Hologate said. The company has formed a partnership with Cleanbox, a manufacturer of the UVC cleaning equipment. Visit www.hologate.com/cleanbox for more information on the partnership and turn to page 41 of your May issue of RePlay for our VR Spotlight on Cleanbox.


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