Party Professor – December 2019


Why People Like to Party

Understanding Key Reasons Leads to a Consistent Party Program

Beth Standlee 0319

Beth Standlee

By Beth Standlee, CEO, TrainerTainment

During the holidays, it’s easy to understand why people are gathering for fun and celebration. When you break apart the why of this “seasonal” activity and apply it to group sales, you can have a giant impact on a consistent party program in your center every day, not just during the holidays.

Let’s look at three primary reasons why people like to party. This one will be easy to remember because it’s all about the “FEC” of partying! In my mind, the big three for why people like to party are: Fun, Escape and Connection!

Fun: Humans like to party because it’s fun. Duh! For those of us who subscribe to “fun” as a core value, this one is easy. Typically, taking time to get together to play is a fun thing to do. This fact bodes well for family entertainment centers since playing is at the center of what we provide! Games, attractions, food, music, drink, lights, sound…need I say more?

Check your center’s “fun” meter. How fun do your people feel? How fun is your marketing material? How fun or easy is it to book a group event or a birthday party? Note: “Hard” is not fun. Does your fun factor create an irresistible urge for guests to say, “Sign me up for a party at your place today!”? If not, it might be time to reevaluate your message whether it’s in person, in a marketing piece or on a social space. If it’s not screaming fun, you have room to make a more compelling appeal to your potential guests.

Escape: A party or group get together provides an escape from the toughness of today. When I look at the word “recreation,” I’m always inspired. Broken apart, the word recreation looks like “re-creation” to me. I believe when people have a chance to escape their real life of work, school, tests, cancer, bills and so on, they have an opportunity to experience some relief from the pressures of the day. A party offers a little rejuvenation or a time to re-create something new.

We can’t always work. There needs to be time to play. What a great message to send out about your facility. To help drive this message home with your own work team, it might be important to plan an all-hands party for your internal guests (employees) sooner than later! “Tis the season!”

Connection: There is scientific research that suggests a primordial need to be in touch and connected with one another. Even in ancient times, they built connection through chanting rituals, dance, movement, music and other practices. These rituals produced an “in sync” way for people to connect with one another. That kind of togetherness induces feelings of euphoria (even without drugs or alcohol!). I can’t think of a better reason to have a party.

I believe connection is the most important reason people choose to party. In a world full of go here, go there, do this and do that, even the party can feel like one more thing to add to the list. However, a little euphoria in the midst of the chaos makes a difference. When people take the time to team build with workmates, have a family outing, take the church youth group for a lock in or hold a surprise 40th birthday party, the resulting connection with others can fuel happiness that can’t be found when you’re isolated or controlled by your busyness.

When you think about it, your role as a family fun center owner, manager or sales representative, is very important. You are in a position to help people party on a daily basis. In fact, I think it’s a responsibility not just a “role.” Can you imagine the impact of people having more fun, escaping reality for a minute and feeling more connected to others? How much better would the world be if you helped a few more people party more?

Do your group events reflect the attributes above? Is your operations team helping reinforce these qualities when groups show up at your facility? Isn’t it time to re-evaluate how your marketing materials depict fun, escape, rejuvenation and connection? Party season may be apparent during the holidays, but I hope you’ll take a good look at why people like to party and make every day a holiday in 2020!


Beth is the CEO of TrainerTainment LLC, a training company devoted to the family entertainment and  hospitality industries. Beth and her team are focused on helping the companies they serve make more money through sales, guest service, leadership and social media marketing training. Training products and services are delivered in person, through books and DVDs, and virtually with e-learning courses, webinar development and 24/7 online access. Visit her company’s website at



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