New Old-School Arcade Opens in Ontario, Canada


Barnetti’s, an arcade bar opening this Saturday, Oct. 24, in Chatham, Ontario, has a ton of old-school flair and unlimited play with an admission fee on the 62 machines. With Pac-Man, NBA Jam and even Konami’s 2000 release The Simpsons Bowling among them, the arcade has games from the 1980s through the 2000s.

“We’re going to be rotating games,” said owner Zach Trinetti (above), a 28-year-old who previously dealt the machines to other locations in the Toronto region. “There are some pretty big titles that everybody will remember here.”

He told Chatham This Week: “We want people to come here and enjoy the place not for an hour, but for the night. We want this to be a destination for the night out.” Admission rates depend on the day and age group. Barnetti’s also has an upper-floor space that has family hours during the day and adults-only hours after 8 p.m. Learn more at


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