VRstudios Sports Delivering Hoops Madness, More Esports


Through its Real-Sport Esports platform, VRstudios is now distributing its first gamified virtual reality basketball experience – Hoops Madness.

VRstudios Sports - linking home and LBE VR Play

According to the company, players will be able to practice, connect, compete casually and track performance at home with the consumer edition; then they can bring their skills to a location for tournaments and other competitions. 

“FEC operators can leverage Hoops Madness-related themed events, promotions and tournament play to acquire new players and incentivize return visits and create new revenue streams for tournament play,” VRstudios said.

FURY, their self-serve, modular VR attraction designed for individual play and head-to-head competition, is also coming soon. It’ll be the only self-serve kiosk with Real-Sport Esports capabilities. Learn more by scheduling a meeting with the company’s Yoni Koenig (click here to do that). Get more information at www.vrstudios.com.


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