What Will Brain Chips Mean for Future Experiences?


If you’ve been following the news recently, you may have seen that Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk is working on a brain-computer interface with his other company and sci-fi-sounding product – Neuralink. Blooloop recently pondered: “What could Elon Musk’s brain chips mean for visitor experiences of the future?”

The entrepreneur, who often unveils plans and details via Twitter, responded to a comment confirming that Neuralink will let people “listen to music directly from our chips.” That means, in essence, it’ll be delivered straight to the brain. He’s previously described Neuralink as a “sewing machine-like” device that will intertwine the human brain with the computer chip.

More information about Neuralink is set to be more formally announced on Aug. 28. In the meantime, as Blooloop imagined, it’s interesting to think about the possibilities of transmitting media directly to someone’s brain – potentially offering the ultimate personalized visitor experience.


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