Coffeeshop Arcade Opens in Tennessee


Respawn Coffee Company in Clarksville, Tenn., puts a new twist on the arcade concept. There, they’ve combined classic arcade cabinets, PC gaming, virtual reality and a billiards table with (you guessed it) coffee.

Co-owned by four friends, the business opened on Nov. 9. One of them, Morgan Johnson, dreamed of opening his own coffee shop since he was in high school, but joined the Army, putting those plans on hold for a while. According to Clarksville Now, he then met the woman who was soon to become his wife, Heather Johnson, and Cassandra Sayles and Christopher Stange, who became close friends.

The team combined their interests and money and created the unique concept. Coffee beans are roasted on site using veteran-owned Black Rifle and Death Wish coffee. They’re looking to obtain a liquor license to expand on their line of beverages. Learn more at


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