38th VNEA Bout Rings the Bell


Some 38 years ago at the Kahler Hotel in Rochester, Minn., a small basement ballroom housed the very first “Valley League” International 8-Ball Playoffs. Fast forward to Las Vegas and Bally’s Hotel and Casino May 24-June 2, 2018, and the growth of this player league has proven nothing short of astounding.

This year, some 127 route operators heading up this VNEA bar pool league system sent over 5,000 players to compete in a whopping 57 divisional games. People from 29 states, six Canadian provinces and another eight nations were represented and if we’ve run out of superlatives, well, let’s just say more news and photos are coming to add sizzle to this steak.

Congrats to the Elliott brothers and everyone at VNEA for keeping this flame burning brighter and brighter as time goes along.


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