Scottsdale’s Octane Racing Expands With Zero Latency VR


Octane Raceway, an FEC in Scottsdale, Ariz., recently invested $800,000 to open a Velocity VR attraction powered by Zero Latency. The 3,500-sq.-ft. open space gives players the opportunity to roam free during the VR experiences, and will augment the Raceway’s 65,000-sq.-ft. facility with a unique attraction.

The VR experience is set to open on Memorial Day, with representatives touting the fact that this will be the first free-roam VR attraction to open in the Western U.S. For $40 ($45 on weekends) players will get to play alongside their team; the customer will only have one game to choose from at first, but the FEC hopes to add additional content down the line.

Octane Raceway’s first VR experience will be Survival, which allows six players to battle against an encroaching zombie hoard. New experiences are set to be added this year.

For more information on the FEC, click here.


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